Kamis, 12 April 2012

Teaching Media Paper

A Description and Analysis of Teaching Media (Flash Card) for Language Teaching

Compiled by

Nevi Erliana Sulaksana









This paper will explain about teaching media (Flash card) for teaching vocabulary in Elementary school grade. First, I will describe the type, content and sequencing of teaching media (Flash card). Second, I will identify a problem in using flash card in vocabulary learning. Then, suggest ways in which the flash card could be improved. And finally, the steps to implement the teaching media of flash card.

This paper is arranged based on the result of teaching experience in Elementary school grade 3 about vocabulary fruits.



1. Analyzing Teaching Media (Flash Card)

In general, there are three kinds of teaching media. They are audio, visual, and audio visual media. Audio media are media that can be listened to, while visual media are media that can be seen. The teaching media that involve the senses of sight and hearing are named as audio visual media (Kasbolah, 1993:57).

Finocchiaro (1973:155-185) mentions some examples of the media for each type. The visual media may include blackboard, textbook, real object, picture file, chart, pocket chart, flash card, flannel or felt board, magnetic board, opaque projector, overhead projector and transparency, kodachrome slide, filmstrip, and miscellaneous materials. In this paper I will describe and analyze about teaching media (Flash card).

Flash card is a card with words or numbers or pictures that is flashed to a class by the teacher. An image on flash cards is a series of messages that are presented with a description of each image is imprinted on the back. The sizes of the flash cards are a variety of measuring 25x30 cm, 8x12 cm, or can be tailored to the circumstances faced by students. To be effective, pictures or drawings that are used in flash cards must fulfill some criteria. The criteria are as follows: (1) pictures must be good, clear, interesting, easy to understand and big enough to show detail; (2) pictures must be important and appropriate with the problem discussed; (3) pictures must be right and authentic. It means that the pictures have the same condition with the real things; (4) pictures must be simple. Complicated pictures will make students be confused and fail to find the real meaning of the pictures.

According to content, there are two types of flash cards. First, flash cards which describe one action, one person, and one object. This type can be used to present new vocabulary, practices, and test some patterns. The second type describes a situation consisting some activities, people, or objects. This type can be used to describe situations such as a picnic, birthday, at the restaurant, in the class, in the kitchen, and other situations. This type can also be used to introduce dialogue, practice sentence patterns, and stimulate students to make composition orally or in written form.

Flash card is a medium of learning that can assist in improving various aspects, such as; learning to read early, develop memory, independence training, and increase the amount of vocabulary. Flash cards can also be used as training material suitable for the learning process.

2. The Problems in Using Flash card

In the learning process, the uses of teaching media are not fully able to stimulate thoughts, feelings, concerns and interests of students. as I've ever experienced when teaching vocabulary fruits through flash cards, I found some problems such as the size of the flash card is not big enough so that some students especially those that sit at the back is less clearly seen and read flash cards. Therefore, I have to rewrite the vocabulary on the board to be read clearly by the students. Otherwise it is less precise pronunciation of words. Many students are still not good in pronouncing vocabulary of fruits. Therefore I have to teach pronunciation one by one to students who still lack proper pronunciation so that the time was less efficient.

3. Suggest ways the teaching media could be improved

As in the previous discussion that in the process of using flash cards found various problems, therefore the futures for teaching vocabulary better then I do a variety of improvements in delivering content over the flash cards. The improvement that I do, that is; I stood in the middle class and especially to the students who sit behind so that they can see the flash card clearly. And then in order to correct pronunciation of vocabulary, students continue to be trained in the correct pronunciation.

4. The steps to implement the Flash Card

How to use flash cards described in two parts, the time before the presentation and during the presentation.

a. Preparation of use

1) Prepare

Teachers need to master the learning material properly, have the skills to use these media.

2) Prepare flash card

Before learning make sure it's enough, the order is correct, and whether or not the media help.

3) Prepare a place

Presenter position is good or not, how the lighting is whether all students can see clearly and make sure the room is not there a disturbing noise.

4) Prepare students

Students should position well laid out, so that all students can see flash card.

b. How to use

1) Cards that are constructed held at chest level and facing the future of students at a distance of about 1 to 1.5 meters.

2) Show page with a picture of the card by taking the very back of the card and put it into the order at the front, while saying the name of the image is clear, for example, "banana".

3) Then flip the image so that the writing was on the front with the words "banana".

4) Ask the students to follow or repeat what the teacher says.

5) Done in the sequence until the last card.

6) After all completed cards mentioned one by one, give the cards that have been explained to the student who sit near the teacher.

7) Ask all students to see again one by one and then forward it to others.

8) After the cards are returned, proceed with a class discussion in an effort to correct the error and the strengthening of memories.



1. Conclusion

Teaching media is one of factor that can influence the effectiveness of a learning process. A teacher is expected to use teaching media appropriate to the learning objectives or competencies to be achieved. As well as flash cards is one of teaching media can improve the mastery of vocabulary. Through the use of flash card right, then all objects can be presented to students.


Ruis nunung, dkk. 2009. Instructional media. Jakarta: Center for Development and Empowerment of Teachers and Education Personnel (CDELTEP)



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